Metro-tukku will open its flagship wholesale at Konepaja at the end of 2023

Wihuri Metro’s work to flourish the Finnish restaurant industry has continued for more than 120 years, and new ways to serve customers better are still being developed. The changed restaurant industry market receives a comprehensive response from Metro, where the development targets are wholesale, product selection, and the entire service experience while also considering digital channels.
The driving force behind the changes is the new flagship location in Helsinki’s Konepaja area, which will develop the entire wholesale industry in a new direction regarding location and selection.
Our flagship store is a trendsetter
If you have preconceived notions about a wholesale store, we can safely promise that the flagship store in Konepaja’s protected area is new in its field.
“The Konepaja area creates a unique environment for our store, and the location in the city’s heart brings our services close to our customers. The new flagship store implements Metro’s strategy as a working partner of a restaurant entrepreneur even more strongly,” summarizes Vice President & General Manager Jukka Heinänen.
The importance of the flagship store is not only created by the location but rather by a carefully formed selection and high-quality customer experience.
“We respond to the wishes of restaurants with a wide selection of fresh produce. Everything from fruit to fish and meat, as well as our imported wines, is conveniently located in one location. Along with a comprehensive selection, the store’s inspiring look and the staff’s expertise support our customers. We strengthen the skills of wholesale employees so that they understand the needs and business of the region’s customers even better,” says B2B Business Unit Director Antti Leistén.
The flagship store will serve as part of the living urban culture. The Konepaja area, with its various restaurants, theaters, and event and sports centers, forms a food culture center and a new living room for the people of Helsinki.
A comprehensive experience demanded by the industry
“The comprehensive service implemented in the flagship store can also be found in other renewed locations. Expert staff, a renewed selection that meets different needs, and a functional presentation of products result in tangible support to our customers,” says Assortment and Marketing Director Emilia Santavuori.
All developments, from selection to wholesale, support each other, helping restaurant entrepreneurs to succeed. Innovations are based on listening to customers.
“We bring genuine added value to our customers with innovations that have been implemented with them and for them,” sums up Emilia.